მანქანათა დინამიკის განყოფილება

Viktor Zviadauri;
Leader of the Department of Machine Dynamics
mob.: 597 00 23 77; Tel.: 2 31 65 57; 2 30 37 41;
E-Mail: v_zviadauri@yahoo.com
Dateofbirth: |
17.08.1945 წ. |
Education: |
1963 -1968 -he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Georgian Polytechnic Institute.
1974-1977 - he is a graduate student of Institute of Machine Mechanics;
1974-1977- postgradueit student |
Scietific/Academic degree: |
1979 – Candidate of technical sciences; 1991-Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Rank: |
Professor |
Position: |
leader of the Department of Machine Dynamics of the R. Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics |
Work activities: |
Since 2006 heis a leader of the Department of Machine Dynamics;
Since 1991 he is a chief scientific worker;
Since 1996 he is a professor of Georgian Technical University;
Since 1992 he delivers lectures in Georgian Technical University;
In 1979 he defended a candidate dissertation and continued to work at the same institute in positions of engineer, scientific worker and senior scientific worker;
In 1971 – 1974 he worked at Scientific and Research Institute of Technology of Micro-Electro-Motors in positions of engineer and scientific6 worker.
Scientific interests:
Complexing study of the vibratory technological processes (transportation, dosage, enrichment, intensity, etc.), related to the bulk materials, by help of the experiments and mathematical modelingა
Vibro-acoustic diagnostics of the machines and Installations
Calculation of the machine elements and constructions on the firmness and durability
Tribo echnical and dynamic researches of railway transport and processing of the new constructions and lubricant materials (modifiers)
Selected Publications
More than 140 publications:
V.Zviadauri, About drawing up of the mathematical model of spatial movement of the three mass oscillatory system-analogue of the vibratory technological machine.Intern. Sc. Journal “Problems of Mechanics”. # 1(26)/2007. P. 74-81.
V.Zviadauri. Dynamical processes in the mining transport and technological systems. GTU, Georgia, 2009, 172 p. (In Georgian)
V.Zviadauri. Influence of spatil rezonant oscillations of the vibratory machine working organ on the technological load behaviour. “JVE Journal of Vivbroengineering”. 2008; V. 10, Issue 4, P.487-492.
V. Zviadauri.Arise of spatial parasitic oscillations and their influence on the working processes of vibratory machines. Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. "Improvement of quality, reliability and durability of technical systems and technological processes". G. Hurghada, Egypt. P. 57-60.// (In Russian)
V.Zviadauri. Loading and Damageability of Wheels and Rails. Intern. Sc. Journal “Transport problems”, 2009, V. 4, Is. 4. P. 33-41
V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, M. Chelidze, Tsotschalashvili, Problems of wheel rail system vibrations”. Tbilisi, “Problems of Мechanics ” # 4 (41), 2010, pp. 84-89
V. Zviadauri, M. Chelidze, G. Tumanishvili. “On the Spatial Dynamical Model of vibratory Displacement Materials on vertical Plane by means of vibration”. “World Congress on Engineering”, 2010 , London, U.K., 30 June – 2 July, 2010, pp. 1567-1570)
M.Chelidze, V.Zviadauri, G.Tumanishvili. “Investigation of Compacting and Adhesion of Elastic Materials on a Vertical Plane by Means of vibration”. “World Congress on Engineering”, 2010, London, U.K., 30 June – 2 July, 2010, pp.1079-1082
G. Tumanishvili, V. Zviadauri, M.Chelidze, L.Kavtaradze. "Development of large-sized welded elements of a wagon carriage".Bulletin of Ukrainian national university in Dalia, "Science Journal", № 10 (152), Part 1, Ukraine, 2010. p.190-195. (In Russian)
G. Tumanishvili, V. Zviadauri, M. Chelidze, L. Kavtaradze.“Development of the large-size welded elements of a wagon carriage ”.Bulletenof the East -Ukrainian National University in Dahl "Scientific Journal", No. 10 (152), part 1, Ukraine, 2010. P.190-195.
G. Tumanishvili, M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri. “Loading and damageability of wheels and rails under various operating conditions”. // International Information Scientific - Technical Journal “Wagon Park” No. 7, 2010. P. 23-25
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili. “Process of Compaction of рlastic Materials under Influence of Vibrations”. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Seience”, 2010, vol. 11, WC ECS 2010, October 20-22, San- Francisco, USA, pp.1195-1198
Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, M. Chelidze, T. Nadiradze. A general dunamikal model of the lifter and a problems of the cable sliding on a pulley. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), July, 2011, Paris, France, pp. 872-875
V. Zviadauri, G. Gogia, M. Chelidze, G. Tumanishvili, T. Nadiradze.Influence of the space non-working oscillations on the vibratory movement of the granular materials.GTU scientific works, Applied mathematics and mechanics, 2012, p. 71-78. (In Georgian).
V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, M. Chelidze, T. Nadiradze. “Influence of rope oscillations on the process of its slipping along a pulley. Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Technical Conference“ Improving the quality, reliability and durability of technical systems and technological processes ”, Eilat, Israel, 2012, P. 19-22
Zviadauri V., Nadiradze T.,Chelidze M., Tumanishvili G. Factor of the Finite Rigidity of the Working Member in the Dynamics of the Vibratory Machine. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engireening (ICAME 2014), July 28-29, Hong Kong, China, Journal “Advanced Development in Industry and Applied Mechanics”
Zviadauri V., Tumanshvili G.,Nadiradze T.,Gogia G., TsotskalashviliM.Elaboration of the Locomotive Spatial Vibrations Generalized Model and Dunamical Loads on the Drive. Proceseedings “Transport Bridge Europa-Asia”, Tbilisi, Georgia, Technical University, 2014, pp. 68-75// (in Russian)
G. Tumanishvili, T. Natriashvili, V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze. “ Improvement of Working Conditions of the FraightLocomotove Running Gear“.VIII International Sci. Conference “Transport Problems, Katovice, Poland, 2015
V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze, M.Chelidze.The Possible errors in the vibratory transportation and technologic machines and their vibro-acoustic diagnostics.//Intern. Scientific Journal “ Problems of Mechanics”, № 4(65), 2016, pp. 57-63
Zviadauri V. S., Natriashvili T. M., Chelidze M. A.,Tumanishvili G. I., Nadiradze T. N., The features of modeling of the friable material movement along the spatially vibrating surfase of the vibratory machine working member;//International Scientific and Technical Journal "Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials"ISSN 1995-0470.. 2017. № 1 (38), с. 21-26.
G. Tumanishvili, T. Nadiradze, T. Buchukuri, V. Zviadauri. Rail pad.Georgian patent GE P 2014 6085 B.
T. Nadiradze, V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, G. Gogia. Transformer of the waves energy.Georgian patent GE P 2013 5795 B, 2013.
V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze, M. Chelidze, G. Tumanishvili, G. Gogia.Vibration transporter.Georgian patent GE P 2013 5794 B, 2013.
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili.Vibrator. Georgian patent GE P 2012 5619 B, 2012.
Scientific projects:
Complete research of the vibratory transport-technological machines and development of the new high-productive constructions Science Team Head: Victor Zviadauri.GNSF. № GNSF/ST08/7-486. 2009-201
Development and creation of the wheelset with durable wheels and variable gauge. Victor Zviadauri- Research Group. BPG-STEP.BPG№ 04/09. 2009.
Mathematical modeling of the vibratory technologic processes and design of the new, highly effective machines. Science Team Head: Victor Zviadauri. SRNSF, № FR 17 _ 292, 2018 – 2020.
Participation in scientific forums (conferences):
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri. Generating of subharmonic as resonance oscillations and Problems of the irstability; Materials of International Symposium RA’08: “Rare Attractors and Rare Phenomenain Nonlinear Dynamics”; September 8 – 12, 2008, Rīga – Jūrmala, Latvia. p.18-21
V. Zviadauri, R. Enageli, M. Qitoshvili. Manage of the oreplanting process with its automatic vibrational delivery.J-li “Energia” # 2(50), 2009, p. 108-112
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri, A. Gogava. Use of vibrations for rise of quality of the wall plastering. Vibroengineering 2009, 8th International conference, September 16-18, 2009. Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania
V. Zviadauri, M. chelidze, G. Tumanishvili. Influence of reologic characteristics of dry substances on dynamics of the vibratory machine working member. Vibroengineering 2009, 8th International conference, September 16-18, 2009. Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania
G. Tumanishvili, V. Zviadauri, M. Chelidze, M.Tsotskhalashvili. Features of calculation of traction gears of locomotives.VI International Scientific and Technical Conference. Improvement of quality, reliability and durability of technical systems and technological processes. December 5 - 12, 2009, Hurghada, Egypt
M. Chelidze, G. Tumanishvili, V. Zviadauri. Investigation of the process of compacting and adherence of plastic material (concrete) on the vertical plane by means of vibrations.VI International Scientific and Technical Conference: Improving the quality, reliability and durability of technical systems and technological processes. December 5 - 12, 2009, Hurghada, Egypt
V. Zviadauri, M. Chelidze, G. Tumanishvili, S. Bitsadze. Influence of the elasticity of the bottom of the vibrating transporter working body on the behavior of the bulk technological load. VI International Scientific and Technical Conference: Improvement of quality, reliability and durability of technical systems and technological processes. December 5 - 12, 2009, Hurghada, Egypt
Victor S. Zviadauri, Merab A. Chelidze, George I. Tumanishvili. On the spatial dynamical model of vibratory displacement - The 2010 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering; London, U.K., 30 June - 2 July, 2010
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri, George I. Tumanishvili.Investigation of Compacting and Adhesion of Plastic Materials on a Vertical Plane by means of vibration- The 2010 Internationa lConference of Mechanical Engineering; London, U.K., 30 June - 2 July, 2010.
Merab A. Chelidze, Victor S. Zviadauri, George I. Tumanishvili. Process of Compaction of Plastic Materials under Influence of Vibrations. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 Vol II WC ECS 2010, October 20-22, 2010, SanFrancisco, USA. pp1195-1198. http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCECS2010
Zviadauri Victor, Gogia Guram, Baklishvili Giga. Mathematical model of control of vibrational technological processes.International Scientific Conference: Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Management. GTU, 1 - 4 November 2010
V. Zviadauri, G. TumaniSvili, M. Chelidze, T. Nadiradze. A General Dynamical model of the tifter and a problem of the cable sliding on a pulley. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). July, 2011, Paris, France.
V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, M. Chelidze, T. Nadiradze.Influence of rope oscillation on the process of its slippage on the pulley. X International Scientific and Technical Conference: Improving the quality, reliability and durability of technical. systems and technological processes. Eilat, (Israel); November 20 - 27, 2012, p. 19-23
Tumanishvili G., Zviadauri V., Nadiradze T., Tedoshvili M. Working conditions and damageability of inter acting elements of rail sand wheels; Materials of the XI International conference “The improvement of the qualityand longusage of technical systems and technological processes” November 12-20, 2013, Eilat, Israel. P. 5-8.
V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze, M. Chelidze , G. Tumanishvili. Factor of the Finite Rigidity of theWorkingMemberinthe Dynamics oftheVibratoryMachine. Selected, peer revie wedpapers from the 3rd InternationalConferenceonadvancesinMechanicsEngineering (ICAME 2014), July 28-29, HongKong, China. Journal “Advanced Developmentin Industryand Applied Mechanics”; EditedbyBaleV.Reddy, Shishir Kumar Sahu A. Kandasamy and Manuel de LaSen
V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, T. Nadiradze, G. Gogia, M. Tsotskhalashvili. Elaboration of the locomotives patial vibrations generalized model and dynamical loads on the drive tooth gearing. Materials of Internat. Conference “Transport bridge Europe-Asia”, 2014, Tbilisi, p. 68-75.
G. Tumanishvili, M. Tedoshvili, V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze, G. Tumanishvili. Research in to influence of tribotechnical phenomena of the wheel and rail auto-oscillations and the irsimulation on the twin disc machine. Materials of International Conference “Transport bridge Europe-Asia”, 2014, Tbilisi, p. 103--109.
G. Gogia, V. Zviadauri, Yu. Nadiradze, S. Abesadze.The role of cable cars in the development of the Europe-Asia transport bridge on the example of Georgia. Materials of Conference "Transport bridge Europe-Asia", 2014, Tbilisi, p. 103-109. Pp. 264-266.
Victor Zviadauri, GeorgeTumanishvili, Tengiz Nadiradze. The problem of production of the locomotive wheel and rail dynamical loads in the curved sections of the track. Second Conference “Transport Bridge Europe - Asia”, Tbilisi, 2016, 11-14 October.
V. Zviadauri, G. Gogia, N. Arudashvili.The management of the vibration trajectory of the electromagnetic vibratory feeder and the increase of the efficiency of the technological process of friable materials.// Abstracts of the report of the international scientific and technical Internet conference "Innovative development of the mining industry", KrivoyRog, 2016 (In Russian)
M. Chelidze, V. Zvaiaadauri, MerabTedoshvili.Influence of impendence tube length on reverberation sound decay frequency.Proceedings of the X International conference “Transport problems”.Silesian University of Technology Publication, Faculty of Transport, p. 132-140, Catovice, 2018.
V. Zviadauri, M. Tsotskhalashvili, G. Tumanishvili. Influence of elasticity of the Vibro-transporter working member bottom on the vibratory displacement of the friable material. IASTM- International conference, 21th – 22th august, 2018, Venice, Italy. P. 13 – 17.
Zviadauri V., Zviadauri S., Abshilava A., Gogia G. Formation of non-working vibrations in the vibratory transportation and technological machines and their influence on the material transportation process. IV international conference “Transport bridge Europa – Asia”. Tbilisi, 2018, p. 103 – 111.
V. Zviadauri, T. Nadiradze, G.G.Tumanishvili, A. Zviadauri. Influence of elasticity of the vibro-conveyer working member bottom on the vibratory displacement of the friable material. Proceedings of 134 IASTEMinternat. Conf. , Venice, Italy 21-22 August 2018. P. 13-17
Additional information:
M. Khvingia, V. Zviadauri, N. Kopaliani. Generation of the vibration and acoustic diagnostics in the vibratory machines. Monograph, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1982. 146 p.
V. Zviadauri. Dynamics of the vibratory transport-technological machines. Monograph, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 2001. 185 p.
Text books:
V. Zviadauri. Dynamics of the mining electromechanical systems; Publishing house GTU, Tbilisi, 1998. 120 p.V. Zviadauri.Methodological guidelines for laboratory works in the dynamics of mining electromechanical systems.Publisher of Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 1998.
V. Zviadauri.Methodological guidelines for laboratory works in the dynamics of mining electromechanical systems.Publisher of Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 1998.
V. Zviadavuri. Elements of the numerical methods. Solve and optimize of the tasks by computer using.Publishing house GTU, 2004, 134 p.
V. Zviadauri. Dynamic processes in mining transport and technological systems. GTU, 2009, 174 p.
V. Zviadauri. Special types of the transport of the mining enterprises - vibrating machines and equipment.GTU, 2013. 156 p.