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LEPL Rafiel Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics

Department of Mechanical Engineering

My Liquid Website

Revaz Kavtaradze


Chief Researcher. Mob: +995 595 51 99 20; E-mail: :
Giorgi Gegechkori Str.2, App.5, Tbilisi, 0177, Georgia

  • 1968-1973,Mechanical-engineer, Internal combustion engines, Georgian Polytechnical Institute
  • 1975-1978, Postgraduate study, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specialty 05.04.02.-“Heat engines”
  • Date of Birth: 30.10.1951
  • 1968, Sachkhere, Tsereteli School,
  • Scientific/academic degree:
  • 1992 Full Professor
  • 1991 Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • 1978 Candidate of Technical Sciences
  • Position: Chief Researcher
    Work Experience:
  • 1973-1974 Laboratory assistant, Junior researcher, Georgian Polytechnical Institute
  • 1975-1978 Post-Graduate Student, Junior Researcher, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • 1978-1982 Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Muskhelishvili Kutaisi Polytechnical Institute
  • 1982-2017 Senior Researcher, Head of Research Laboratory, Associate Professor, Full Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • 2017-ongoing Chief Researcher, Rafael Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics
  • 2018-ongoing Visiting Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Scientific interests:

  • Theory of Heat Engines,
  • Heat Transfer Theory,
  • Ecology of Heat Engines,
  • Alternative Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels (Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Synthes-Gases),
  • Mathematical Modeling of Heat-Physical Processes (0-and 3-Dimensional Models),
  • Boundary Layer Theory
  • Publications:

    More than 250 publications
  • R. Kavtaradze, .EOLSS-Encyclopedia of Life Support Sestems/Thermal to Mechanical Energy Conversion Engines and Requirements/Chapter l3.11.1.3. Thermodynamic Cycles of Reciprocating and Rotary Engines.Bruxelles, New York, Paris, London. Eolss Publishing. 2005.-35 Pp.
  • R. Kavtaradze, D. Onishchenko, РАН. Машиностроение. Энциклопедия в 40 томах. Раздел IV (Расчет и конструирование машин). Том IV-14 (Двигатели внутреннего сгорания). Главный редактор акад. РАН Фролов К.В. Р.З. Кавтарадзе совместно с Онищенко написан раздел 1.2.2. (Однозонные и многозонные модели, с.102-113) главы 1.2 (Моделирование и расчет рабочего процесса в двигателях).Москва, изд-во «Машиностроение», 2013.-784 p

  • Monographs:
  • R. Kavtaradzeetal., Исследование процессов газообмена и теплообмена в дизелях методами математического и физического моделирования. Изд-во Академии Наук ГССР „Мецниереба“. – 1986. -196 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, Теплофизические процессы в дизелях, конвертированных на природный газ и водород. Москва:Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2011.- 238 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, D. Onishchenko, A. Zelentsov,Трехмерное моделирование нестационарных теплофизических процессов в поршневых двигателях. – Москва: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2012.-85 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, T. Natriashvili, A. Zelentsov, Ignition Delay and Emission of the Noxious Substances in Double-Fuel Engines Working on the natural Gas and Syngases//Chapter 15 (p. 109-120) in the Book: Innovative Methods for Improvement of Technical, Economic and Ecological Efficiency of Motor Cars (ISBN:978-1-63463-671-1). NOVA-Publishers. New-York. 2015. -138 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, Локальный теплообмен в поршневых двигателях, 3-е издание (первое издание-2001 г., второе издание -2007 г.). Москва: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2016.-515 с.
  • R, Kavtaradze, Теория поршневых двигателей. Специальные главы. 2-е издание (первое издание-2008 г.). Москва: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2016.-589 с.

  • Articles:
  • R. Kavtaradze, Zur Ableitung allge meiner Beziehungen zur Berechnung der Geschwindigkeit der Gasströmung in einer halbgeteilten Brennkamer. Schiffbauforschung, N 1.-1988, 59-62 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, Zur Berechnung Temperaturfelder für Bauteile des Dieselmotors. Schiffbauforschung, N 1.-1988. 63-66 p.,
  • Mathematische Modell des komplizierten Wärmeaustausches - Konvektion und Strahlung im Brennraum Dieselmotors. Technische Mechanik, Band 10, N 3. -1989, 175-177 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, Solution of Problems of convective and complex heat transfer in a Diesel combustion chamber, takng account of near-wall turbulent flow//High Temperature, March. New-York, Plenum Publishing Corporation. -1991, 740-748 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, G. Woschni, K. Zeilinger, Dralluntersuchung im Vierventil-Dieselmotor mit Hilfe stationärer Durchströmung. Abschlusbericht// Tech. Universität München.-1995. -49 s.
  • R. Kavtaradze, N. Lapushkin, I. Lobanov, Combined Radiative and Convective Heat Transfer Between Two-Phase Substance and Combustion Chamber Wall in Diesel Engine//Proceding of the Physics of Heat Transfer in Boiling and Condensation. May 21-24. 1997, Moscow,525-532 p.
  • R. Kavtaradze, N. Lapushkin, V. Arapov, Yichun Wang, Effect of the In-cylinder Carbon Deposit and Inlet Swirl Intensity on the Lokal TransientHeat Transfer//Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering. Vol.19, N4,1998,.41-45 p.In Chinese, Abstract in English).
  • R. Kavtaradze, I. Lobanov The Question of Calculating the Boundary Layer and Turbulent Prandtl Number for Combined Radiative and Convective Heat Exchange//Applied Energy. Vol.37, N1, 1999, 162-167 p.
  • A. Leontiev, R Kavtaradze, Выдающийся гидромеханик// В. кн. «Исследования по истории физики и механики. Ежегодник РАН 2001» М.; «Наука», 2002, 153-179 p. (About life and scientific merits of Professor Johann Nikuradse).
  • Petrichenko M.R., Valishvili N.V., Kavtaradze R.Z. Boundary layer in a vortex flow over the stationary plane. Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol. 9, N 3. 2002. – pp. 391- 401.
  • Frolov S.M., Scripnik A.A., Kavtaradze R.S. Modeling of Diesel Spray Ignition. Semenov Memorial. Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution. Moscow: Torus Press Ltd. 2003. P. 220-
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Zeilinger R., Zitzler G. Ignition Delay in a Diesel Engine Utilizing Different Fuels. High Temperature. Vol. 43, N6, 2005. pp.951-960.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Gaivoronskii A.I., Fedorov V.A., Onishchenko D.O., Shibanov A.V. Calculation of Radiative-Convective Heat Transfer in the Combustor of Diesel Engine. High Temperature, Vol. 45, No. 5. -2007. pp. 673-680.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Onishchenko D.O., Zelentsov A.A., Sergeev S.S. The influence of rotational charge motion intensity on nitric oxide formation in gas-engine cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 4308–4316.
  • Kavtaradze R., Zelentsov A., Gladyshev S., Kavtaradze Z., Onishchenko D. Heat Insulating Effect of Soot Deposit on Local Transient Heat Transfer in Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber. SAE International Paper, 2012. N 2012-01-1217. -12 p.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Sergeev S.S. New Alternative (Partially Homogeneous) Combustion Process as a Method for Reduction of Concentrations of Nitric Oxides and Soot in Combustion Products of Diesel. High Temperature. Vol.52, №2,-2014. Pp. 285-299.
  • Leont’ev A.I., Kavtaradze R. Z., Onishchenko D.O., Golosov A.S., Pankratov S.A. Improvement of piston engine operation efficiency by direct conversion of the heat of exhaust gases into electricenergy. High Temperature, 2016, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 104–111.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z. Improving the Ecological Indices of a Hydrogen Diesel Engine with Direct Gaseous Hydrogen Injection. Allerton Press, Inc. ISSN 1052-6188, Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 2016, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 307–315.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z. Influence of the Rotational Charge Motion on the Processes of Nitrogen Oxide Formation and Nonstationary Heat Transfer in a Hydrogen Diesel. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. Vol. 47, № 2.- 2018. Pp. 187–195. ISSN 1052-6188.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Zelentsov A.A., Krasnov V.V. Local Heat Transfer in Diesel Combustion Chamber Converted to Operate on Natural Gas and Hydrogen. High Temperature, Vol. 56, No. 6. -2018, pp. 900–909.
  • Kavtaradze, R., Natriashvili, T., and Gladyshev, S. Hydrogen-Diesel Engine: Problems and Prospects of Improving the Working Process. SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0541, 2019.-15.
  • Wan R., Wang Y.C., Kavraradze R. Modeling and Performance Testing of Aluminum Non-contact Thermal Resistance Condensers (статья на китайском языке, аннотация на английском). Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science). 47(1).-2019.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Natriashvili T.M., Glonti M.G., Wang Yichun, Sakhvadze G. Zh. Local Heat Transfer in the Combustion Chamber of a Hydrogen Diesel. Russian Engineering Research. Vol. 39, № 10, 2019. pp. 831–836.
  • Inventions (Patents)

  • R. Kavtaradzeetal. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Авторское свидетельство СССР № 1183701. Приоритет изобретения 13.01.1984 г. Зарегистрировано в Государственном реестре изобретений СССР 08.06.1985 г.
  • R. Kavtaradze et al. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Авторское свидетельство СССР № 1460371. Приоритет изобретения 10.07.1987 г. Зарегистрировано в Государственном реестре изобретений СССР 22.10.1988 г.
  • R. Kavtaradze et al.Численная методика расчета концентрации NOx на основе многозонной модели рабочего процесса дизеля. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программ для ЭВМ № 2015617793. Дата государственной регистрации в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 22.07.2015.
  • R. Kavtaradze et al. Численная методика расчета локальных нестационарных температур в камере сгорания дизеля. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программ для ЭВМ № 2015617794. Дата государственной регистрации в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 22.07.2015.
  • Participation in scientific-grant projects:

  • 1995-2018 Head of 10 grants of the Foundation for Fundamental Researchs of Russia (FFRR)(See the Foundation's Website);
  • Participation in scientific events (Meeting, Conference, Congress etc.):

  • Kawtaradse R.S. Die Lösung des Problems des lokalen Wärmeaustausches im Zylinder des Dieselmotors unter Verwendung der Grenzschichttheorie. 18. Internationale Tagung - Rechnergestutzte Ingenieurarbeit im Schiffsmaschinenbetrieb, 9-10 November 1988 in Tagungsmaterial-Sektion D, Rostock. 1988. – S. 18-22.
  • Kruglov M.G., Kavtaradze R.Z. A Method of Joint calculation of local heat exhange in the diesel combustion chamber and thermal state of main parts. VII th International Symposium "Motor-Sympo-90", III diel, Czechoslovakia - The High Tatras, 24-26 April.- 1990.P. 130-137.
  • R. Kavtaradzeetal. Моделирование трехмерных нестационарных процессов переноса и турбулентного сгорания в поршневом двигателе. Труды Международной конференции «Неклассические задачи механики», 25-27 октября 2007 г., Кутаиси. Том. 2. Кутаиси, 2007. P. 47-52.
  • Kavtaradze Z.R., Kavtaradze R.Z., Onishchenko D.O., Zelentsov A.A. Influence of Soot Deposit on Local Heat Transfer in Combustion Chamber. II International Scientific Conference “Nonclassical Problems of Mechanics”, A. Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, 2012. P. 160-164.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Zelentsov A. A., Skripnik A.A. . 3D Investigation of Features of Realization of Working Processes of Aircraft Piston Engines. Proceedings International User Conference Advanced Simulation Technologies (AST), 18-20 June 2013, Austria, Graz.-2013. Pp. 1-9.
  • Kavtaradze R. The generalized integral relations for boundary layer. IV Annual Meeting of the Georgian Mechanical Union. 8.11.2013 – 10.10.2013, Kutaisi. Book of Abstracts. Tbilisi University Press. 2013. Pp. 30-34.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Zelentcov A.A. Modification of intake Port Shape for Increasing of Effective Parameters of Middle – Speed Diesel Engine. Proceedings International User Conference Advanced Simulation Technologies (AST), 22-26 June 2015, Austria, Graz.-2015. Pp. 1-10.
  • Kavtaradze R.Z., Zelentcov A.A., Onishchenko D.O., Skripnik A.A. Simulation of Local Heat Transfer in Combustion Chamber of Aircraft Piston Engine// Proceedings AVL International Simulation Conference 2017, June 27 – 29, Austria, Graz.-2017. Pp. 1-7.
  • Natriashvili T., Kavtaradze R., Glonti M. Improvement of ecological characteristics of the hydrogen diesel engine. International Automobile Scientific Forum (IASF-2017) "Intelligent Transport Systems". IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 315 (2018) 01 2018. Pp.1-7.
  • Kavtaradze, R., Natriashvili, T., and Gladyshev, S. Hydrogen-Diesel Engine: Problems and Prospects of Improving the Working Process. World Automotive Congress, Detroit, USA. 02 April 2019, the Report published in the journal SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0541, 2019,15p.
  • Natriashvili T., Kavtaradze R., Glonti M. Modeling of the burning process in the piston engines with various concepts of the working process. Procedings of XI International Conference “Transport Problems”. 24-28 June, 2019. Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland. 2019. Pp. 448-457
  • Additional information :

    In Internet Sources:
    Google-Scholar,yandex, e-LIBRARY,, piston-engines.ruet al.

    in books:
  • Научные школы МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Под ред. И.Б. Федорова и К.С. Колесникова. Москва: 2005.-464 с.;
  • Иващенко Н.А., Чайнов Н.Д. и др. 100 лет специальности «Двигатели внутреннего сгорания» в МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Москва, изд-во МГТУ им.Н.Э. Баумана. 2007.-296 с.;
  • Lieuwen T.,Yang V., Yetter R. Synthesis Gas Combustion. Fundamentals and Applications. CRC Press, New York (2010).